Published by Routledge 2010.
Chapter contribution and principal adviser to editors
Published 2016
Chapter contribution -
Scenography at The Royal Shakespeare Company 1963 -1968;
towards an empty space
Digital Scenographics ; Performance, design and new technologies .
The British Computing Society Loughborough University, Autumn 2002
Jo Mielziner and New American Stagecraft; Hope, hopelessness; presence and absence.
Theatre Design Research 1, Autumn 2003
Staging Goya; Devised Theatre as a Model of Transdisciplinary Practice.
Taipei University of the Arts/British Council, Taiwan Summer 2003
On Some Possible Futures. Shaping Art and Design Education.
Association of Courses in Theatre Design Conference, Nottingham Trent University September 2004
Issues in Theatre Curricula.
OISTAT Symposium, Nottingham Trent University September 2005
Terence Gray, Irish Theatre and European modernism.
Conference paper,
Irish Society for Theatre Research. Queens University , Belfast, April 2007
Peter Brook A Bibliography by Michael Kuzow.
Reviewed for The Society of British theatre Designers Blue Pages Spring 2005
Teapots and Gizmos.CAD4Theatre .
ABTT seminar report for Blue Pages Spring 2005
The Broken Circle. The Performance Spaces of Peter Brook by Jean Guy Lecat.
Review for The Society of British Theatre Designers, Blue Pages. Autumn 2005 .
The White Album : Reflecting on the integration of projected and physical scenography.
Article for Blue Pages Spring 2006
Cuchulain Unstaged : Terence Greys unstaged designs for the Cuchulain cycle
Irish Society for Theatre Research Symposium. Sligo IT Spring 2009
Developing Irelands first Honours Degree in Scenography:
Association of Courses in Theatre Design Conference; Ethics and Employability. Aberystwyth University, Summer 2009.
Edward Gordon Craig: Practitioner and Educator. A day of lectures.
Second Thoughts are best : EG Craig: practioner/ theorist/educator
Victoria and Albert Museum 2010
Themes and issues
LEAD; Learning/Education/Art/Design. Cork Institute of Technology February 2012
Inchoate: The Academy and the Rehearsal Room.
Theatre and Performance Research Association. Rose Bruford College, April 2012
Playing the Creative; A practical workshop in ingenuity.
Media Futures Conference, Dun Laoghaire May 2012
Small Histories; A seminar/study day on Irish Visual and Material Culture,1870-1921
14th December 2012, National Library of Ireland. ( nli, iadt, ncad.)
Panel Member with Catriona Crowe:Head of Special Projects National Archives, Luke Gibbons: Professor of Irish Literary and Cultural Studies,NUI Maynooth, Brian Crowley: Curator Pearse Museum, Niamh O Sullivan: Professor Emeritus Visual Culture NCAD.
From Smock Alley to Sean Kenny : A Brief Introduction to Irish Scenography
Tracing the story of Irish set and costume design from John Ogilby and the Royal Theatre Dublin in the 1660s to Sean Kenny's designs for Oliver in the 1960s.
Irish Decorative and Fine Arts Society, Dublin. March 5th 2013
A Practitioners History of Scenography.
A ten part introduction to the history of western scenography for post graduate students at There Lir Academy of Dramatic Arts, Trinity University Dublin. 2015 - ongoing.